The Good Times

We are two weeks since surgery.

At the vet, right before she removed the stitches

Raz is doing so well! She is playing, eating (like a pig), and just loving every moment. You would never know that she lost a leg two weeks ago. Meowther (me) has been much more of a wreck than she has! I’ve let her stay out of the kennel at night the last couple nights, and today is her first day of freedom all day. She got her stitches out yesterday, and the incision looks really good, except that it had already started to heal over the sutures.

Raz was thrilled to be able to clean the incision! 

I’ve been spoiling Raz and Kho more than ever with little treats…I’ve always been very sparing with them, rarely opening the treat bag. Now they each get at least 5 per day! I trained them to sit, shake, and jump for treats when they were little. One thing I’ve read on here is the “physical therapy” for the three legged critters, and strengthening their cores. Raz has been sitting for the treats, and she is shaking her paw most of the time as well! Still trying to figure out the balance with that. I’m most excited to see her starting to jump! For that trick, they jump on their hind legs and grab onto my hand to retrieve the treat. I have Kho do the trick nearby so Raz can see him, and she has started to try! I predict that within a week, she’ll be hopping up and fully extending her one back leg to get that treat. 😉

I made it! …now what?

Raz has pretty much been doing her own exercises since I’ve given her more freedom: creating her own obstacle courses, and doing what hopping and jumping she feels appropriate. She finally made it up to her favorite spot in the cat tree last week. I had blocked it off in the few weeks before surgery, back when we still didn’t know what was going on. She wasn’t feeling well, and I didn’t like the idea of her staying up there for hours and hours. So now that it’s an option for her again, she has been enjoying her favorite spot.

AND the monkeybutt Kho is getting along so much better with Raz! I think the Maryland surgery smell is pretty much gone and he realizes that she is indeed the sister he has always known. Sometimes he gets a little too curious with her now-more-revealed bum-hole, so she gives him a warning. But they give each other little boops and sniffs of affection, and it’s awesome to see!

They really do love each other, I love their little bits of affection. <3

I am so grateful for this site, it’s been such a comfort. I have pretty much come to a peace about letting things take a natural course from this point, going the hospice route when we get there. I am currently waiting for a local oncologist to consult with my vet as a last ditch effort. The doctor we saw at our vet office offered a similar poor prognosis yesterday. I just want to know from a cancer specialist that there really is nothing that can be done. So far from what I understand, chemo might add only a couple months, and radiation is a painful, expensive, and time-consuming treatment that might only add a year. I’ll wait and see what the oncologist says, and we’ll go from there.

Raz was always slower to cuddle, making sure the human was fully settled before hopping up. Now she takes allllll the cuddles she can get!

In the meantime, Raz is teaching me that every single moment counts, and to live each one filled with joy, good food, and snuggles. Thank you everyone for your encouraging comments, blog posts, and forums. What a wonderful community this is!

Cassie (meowther)

Raz (tripawd sister)

Kho (monkeybutt brother)

4 thoughts on “The Good Times”

  1. Sounds like life is going on and Razz is being your best teacher ever. I’m so happy you found a way to embrace the moment without losing your mind with worry. That is NOT an easy thing to do!

    Super happy to hear you’re talking to an oncologist, it’s smart and it will make you feel better knowing that whatever you decide you have facts behind it. Good job. Do let us know what the onco says OK?

    1. My mind still gets caught up with worry…the seroma she has gets painful sometimes, even though she’s still on gabapentin, and it concerns me that the tumor has already grown back underneath. But then she greets me at the door and runs around, and it gives me hope! Posting an update tomorrow. <3

  2. Such photogenic kitties, and clearly athletic and smart!!
    BTW, love the traction mats.
    Qnd remem6, arpu d jere QE say “prognosis -schmognosis”. And we also say statistics don’t mean squat around here. Razz does not have a timeframe stamped anywhere on that precious kitty butt. And days on a calendar mean nothing,.
    But getting spoiled, and and getting loved and living every day to the fullest, AND GETTING AT LEAST FIVE TREATS A DAY, yeah, that’s all that matters to Razz!!.

    You have a great attitude with a .ot pf pawsitive energy. That alone is theraputic on a level that may not yet be “recognized”in a measurable way……but Razz knows the benefits!!!

    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

    1. Thank you Sally et al…it’s a conscious decision every day to try and remain pawsitive! Raz is spoiling ME with all her cuddles and encouragement!

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